terça-feira, 11 de outubro de 2011

Noticia oficial

 Jared Padalecki 
OK yall I'd rather you officially hear it from me.. So, yes. Genevieve is pregnant. We'll be welcoming a new member to our family in 2012 :)

Jared Padalecki postou no twitter 

Yall OK, eu prefiro que você oficialmente ouvir isso de mim .. Então, sim. Genevieve está grávida. Nós vamos estar acolhendo um novo membro para nossa família em 2012:)


quarta-feira, 24 de agosto de 2011

Dear Sam Winchester

Dear Sam Winchester,

I’m sorry that some people only see the mistakes you made and your flaws but don’t see that you always try to fix the mess you make. I’m sorry that some people only see how you (seem to) leave your brother behind but never see how you always come back to him.  I’m sorry that whenever you want something for yourself people call you selfish. I’m sorry that some people think that you don’t deserve happiness. I’m sorry that people only see how much your brother loves you but don’t understand that you love your brother just as much. I’m sorry that some people don’t understand that you’re only human and that humans screw up. I’m sorry that your pain, your loss and your sacrifices don’t seem to matter as much as the mistakes you made or the lies you told. I’m sorry that sacrificing yourself, your soul and your sanity to save the world is not enough for some people to forgive you. I’m sorry that some people only see the darkness in you but not the side of you who wants nothing more than to help people.
Most of all, I’m sorry that  you think of yourself as weak and not good enough. I’m sorry that you’re your own worst enemy. I’m sorry that you don’t believe that you deserve redemption. Because you do.

549 China, Nova Zelândia, Dinamarca, Japão, Bélgica, Escócia, Inglaterra .. tão grande o nosso mundo lagoa é...

Pra ninguém botar defeito.....

Tribute to Jared Padalecki

Jared com carinho

E os patos não param de chegar!!!!!